
A Rest represents a period of low tension within the Story. They often may occur following the conclusion of a tense Conflict, or at the end of an eventful day.

Rests serve two purposes: to provide a means for Character to Heal and Regain Resources, and also to provide an opportunity for low-stakes Storytelling, allowing Characters to interact without the need to actively progress the narrative.

A Rest occurs with the mutual agreement of all the Players of the Group. For a Rest to occur, the Characters must be able to spend the time required for that Rest to occur without it being interrupted by a period of high tension (e.g. a Conflict). If it is interrupted, they do not gain the benefits of that Rest (the benefits are only gained on the Rest’s completion).

The GM may rule that the Characters are unable to Rest in certain circumstances (e.g. where the situation is too tense or uncomfortable).

Short Rest

A Short Rest represents when the Player Characters would benefit from taking a brief break from the tension of the Story.

A Short Rest consists of the Player Characters spending time performing limited activity for a period of approximately 10 Minutes.

Characters may take a Short Rest as often as they like, but they only gain the benefits of a Short Rest once. Characters regain the ability to gain the benefits of a Short Rest after they have completed a Long Rest.

When a Character takes a Short Rest, they may choose to gain the following benefits:

  • They may Heal Damage equal to their Hit Points.
  • They regain all expended Stamina, Mana, Will and Favors.

All the Characters of a Group may take part in a Short Rest together, but there is no requirement that all Player Characters gain the benefits of that Short Rest at the same time. Some Characters may wish to gain those benefits later during a different period of Short Rest.

Long Rest

A Long Rest represents when the Player Characters would benefit from taking an extended break from the tension of the Story.

A Long Rest consists of the Player Characters spending time performing limited activity and, typically, sleeping for a total period of at least 8 hours.

During a Long Rest Characters must be comfortable and able to eat and drink a sufficient amount to sustain themselves. They may do so by either expending 1 Supply per Character taking a Long Rest (representing them setting up camp and eating), or by resting in comfortable surroundings with access to food and drink (e.g. Resting at an Inn, Hotel or at Home).

When a Character takes a Long Rest, they will gain the following Benefits:

  • They may remove all Damage they have accumulated
  • They regain all expended Stamina, Mana, Will and Favors.
  • They regain at least 1 Momentum Point.
  • They regain the ability to gain the benefits of a Short Rest.

A Long Rest however will also grant the GM Tension Points equal to the total number of Players at the Table (including themselves).

If a Long Rest is interrupted midway though by a Conflict, Characters who have not already done so may choose to gain the benefits of a Short Rest immediately before the Conflict begins. The Long Rest must then be begun anew to gain it’s benefits.

If a Character takes a Long Rest but does not expend Supplies, or otherwise is unable to rest in comfortable surroundings with access to food and drink, they still gain the Benefits of that Long Rest, but they will also gain 4 Stress (see the Stress Page for more).

It is typically assumed that a Long Rest will occur at the close of the day (i.e. during their sleeping hours), or during a period of time where Conflicts are unlikely to occur.
