Armor and Shields represent Objects which may be used to protect a Character.
On this Page, the properties of Armor and Shields are discussed, as well as how these effects are applied.
Armor and Shields available to you will vary by Fantasy, so some options may be may be present in some Fantasies but not others.
Using Armor and Shields
Armor and Shields are both Accessories.
To gain the benefits which Armor or a Shield offer, they must be placed in an Accessory Slot.
You may only have one set of Armor and one Shield in an Accessory Slot at a time. See the Inventory Page for more detail on how to Move Accessories.
You must be Skilled in the use of Shields in order to gain it’s benefits (i.e. it’s Evasion Bonus).
You do not need to be Skilled in Armor to gain it’s benefits (i.e. it’s Evasion and Deflection Bonuses), however Heavy Armor and Shields may cause the Slowed Condition if you do not have sufficient Might to use them effectively.
When wearing a Shield, you have one less Free Hand available to you (i.e. you are holding the Shield in one Hand).
Evasion Bonus (EB)
All Armor and Shields grant an Evasion Bonus (EB). The Bonus is included in parentheses besides EB for each Armor and Shield.
This Bonus is added to a Character’s Evasion DC while they are being Worn.
Evasion DC = 8 + Dexterity + EB from Armor and Shields
Deflection Bonus (DB)
All Armor may include a Deflection Bonus (DB). The Bonus is included in parentheses besides DB for each Armor.
This Bonus is added to your Deflection while they are being Worn.
Deflection = Might + DB from Armor
Shields do not grant a Deflection Bonus.
The Heavy Property of Armor and Shields represents when they are particularly Heavy, but may provide additional protection.
Heavy Armor often may provide no Evasion Bonus but instead a significant Deflection
All Heavy Armor and Shields require a Character have a certain Might Bonus to use them effectively. The required Might Bonus is given in parentheses besides Heavy.
If a Character wears Heavy Armor while they lack the Required Might Bonus to use it effectively, they become Slowed. While Slowed you must expend 1 Additional Movement for each Space you Move, make Movement Checks with Disadvantage, and you cannot use the Combo Action.
The Accessory Property represents Weapons which must be placed in an Accessory Slot in order to be used. Examples include such items as Knuckle Dusters and Cats Claws (Nekote).
The Restrictive Property is applied to Armor and Shields which Restrict your ability to move in ways beyond Running or Sprinting.
Checks relating to Movement which are not simply Running or Sprinting (i.e. Climbing, Balancing and Swimming) have Disadvantage while you are wearing Restrictive Armor or Shields.
The Noisy Property is applied to Armor which tends to make a significant amount of noise when you Move in it.
While wearing Noisy Armor, you have Disadvantage on Checks to Hide and Move Silently.